Poster presentation instructions
Create and print your poster
The most successful posters are graphically rich presentations of your research that highlight and summarize the main points, with the poster presenter filling in the details in person at the session. The least effective poster format is an enlarged copy of your manuscript. The official language of the conference is English.
Your poster should include :
- The paper title and all authors at the top of the poster
- A brief introduction, goals, experimental detail, conclusions, and references; presented in a logical and clear sequence
- Explanations for each graph, picture, and table
Set up your poster in person :
- The poster SHOULD have the following dimensions: Poster Size: The A0 paper size is 841 mm x 1189 mm, 84.1 cm x 118.9 cm or 33.1 inches x 46.8 inch
- Check the individual conference program to find your poster session location and timing
- Set up your printed poster at least one hour before your session start time on the day you are scheduled to present
- Paper numbers will be placed on the poster boards in numerical order
- Find your paper number and put up your printed poster in the designated space
- Push pins, tape, or Velcro will be provided to hang your poster
Note : The JCSSE 2024 organizer does not print the posters.
Present your poster in person :
- Each poster presenter is responsible for printing their poster and bringing it to the conference.
- Poster presenters are required to stand by the poster during the scheduled duration of the poster session to answer questions from attendees